Web development services

Web Development SERVICES by emultify

What is it and why is it important for you

The latest trend in web development services is incorporating A.I.. This is because the future will be all about machine learning, knowing not just who your users are, but how they use your website. Studying their cursor hover times, click patterns and time spent on different pages is all going to become the norm.

It’s important that you have a website and a development team that is privy to these changes and is ready to make the right choices at the right time. Web development is going to also become much more interesting as banners change from a static image or color scheme, to videos playing on repeat.

Why choose us

Web development is our bread and butter and we take great pride in being obsessed with web developers. We love the industry, which is why all of our employees keep up to date with the latest news, design trends and they keep their skills sharp.

 Content is extremely important, which is why we also design websites with the intent on making it easy for users to navigate. Post links are very crucial to your success as you need to essentially keep users in a merry-go-round. 

We also believe that you can get users to stay on the page for longer, with a chatbot service. This is a cheap but very effective way to answer questions that users might have and help them find something they can’t find on their own. They can also process queries and direct customers to various other services. 

We have a reputation for providing cutting edge services and designing websites that will release on time, are tested properly and are continually updated.

 Wondering if this company is near me? We have three offices, one in Turkey, USA and Malaysia but working with clients from around the world purely online, is water off a duck’s back to us. So no matter where you are, we’re here to help.


what we offer

gathering information

In detail…Every plan of attack has to begin by scouting your own strengths and weaknesses as well as knowing what the rival team is up to. We make sure that research is at the heart of our development ethos. Without proper knowledge of what to improve, what to cut away, you won’t end up with a great website fit for the future.


Then we set to planning your web development. We make sure that we build a time schedule that you will find comfortable. We then set about planning the stages which we believe will bring your website to life. It will go from, drawing board, initial development, feedback, fleshing out ideas, deciding on those that work, developing them, more meetings with the client, finishing off the website, testing, fixing hiccups and then going to release. After which, we support your website as long as you wish.


The design phase will have your desires at the heart of everything. We are the experts and we will go with what we believe is best unless you choose another way. We design websites with longevity in mind. We want to keep up with trends that are working, such as Internet-of-things, A.I., chatbots, voice search optimization, better mobile versions, single-page websites, etc.

testing and delivery

Then we test and deliver. Nothing will run smoothly all the time when a website is being developed. So we test, and we test, and we test, and we…You get the picture.


When all is ready, it’s onto the delivery. We work closely with you to give you the best maintenance service. If anything should go wrong, we’re on standby to help and fix the issue.

"…SEO web design is the practice of creating websites that are fully accessible and indexable by search engines.

... SEO-friendly websites usually get more traffic than websites that ignore search engines.

Of course, you want to put your users first. But to get the most out of your website, you want to design and develop your website with users AND search engines in mind." Brian Dean-Backlinko.

Don’t know where to start?
Get in touch with our consultants


1. What is the first step?

The first stage is to know your requirements. We will conduct thorough research on all options and trends, but we first need to know what exactly it is, you are looking for. Then we work together to realize those needs.

2. How does the site progress?

Your website will progress in a methodical manner. We make test sites to, well, test stuff! We make sure that everything we do is not based on theory alone, we create, test and retest to make sure the design choices make sense.

3. Why do you offer maintenance?

Website development isn’t one of those industries that moves at breakneck speed, all the time. But it does require business owners to keep up with trends if they want to remain effective. So not only do we maintain your website to crush those gremlins in the system from time to time, but we also offer services that update your website to the latest standard.


Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have.