Content Marketing services-Strongest Presence

Content Marketing services by emultify
content marketing services

What is it and why is it important for you

Content Marketing is by far the most important form of marketing. Why? Well firstly, it is your number one strategy for capturing organic customers. These are brand spanking new consumers, who have never come across your business before. 

Getting them to notice you, enjoy what you do and come aboard, is a monumentally tough task, done any other way.

Content marketing is also new-media. Customers want to read about your business, they want to know more about what you do, why you do it, and what is in store for the future. 

Did you know that over 50% of consumers say that they read business blogs of the brands they love or when they are about to buy something from a brand as a first-time customer? That is an astonishing achievement for content marketing.

Emultify is a professional in managing the content of websites, blogs, and creating premium content, managing it, and recording the results reflected from audience interaction before and after starting to rely on content as a Content Marketing method.

… "BuzzSumo reports that 74% of people that have published original research content state that it helped them get more traffic.

So if you want to get more links, traffic and shares from your content marketing, then you might want to give Be The Source content a try this year". Source:  Brian Dean-Backlinko.

Don’t know where to start?
Get in touch with our consultants
content marketing services

why choose us?

We cover the whole aspect of content marketing. We do this in the most savvy way, by first, committing to proper consumer profile research. Figuring out who you already have as loyal customers and what you need to drop or keep doing, to attract new customers, is our bread and butter.

We offer Content Marketing Services that are designed to incorporate stats, figures, test content and analysis of existing content strategies. In other words, we’ll be your boxing coach, breaking you down and building you back up into a leaner, more accurate brand that knows how to keep customers on-side but bring in new blood on a consistent basis.

what we offer


We’ll write organic content that is going to be fun, exciting, informative and educational. Consumers want to read business blogs, with their morning cup of coffee. They want to know how to use a product, how it would be best used in certain situations and even, the history of a product. So we will write interesting blog content, fit for social media.

go social

Speaking of social media, we will also post the content we make, onto all of your social media accounts. No matter what platform you use, (we recommend as many as possible), our scheduled content release will keep users entertained and coming back to your website over and over.

images and infographics

Good HD images are always very eye-catching. But we make sure that they won’t be generic and seen before. We will also link the images to the post title of the content that the post harbors. Infographics put across very detailed pieces of information, which can come in handy when you want to make an interesting 2-min or 5-min read post. It’s also one of the best visual content options, which is superb at getting users to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page.


Of course, no content marketing strategy would be complete without excellent video content. Many people don’t even own TVs anymore. Everything they consume is online, so if you’re a business blog without videos showing the inner workings of your business, how a product is developed, etc, you are falling behind. Ever thought about shooting a ‘day in the life of…’ video that follows an employee around for the day, showing what jobs they do? Customers love to watch this type of content, and we can make it happen!

"... Is video really “the future of content marketing”?


In fact, the number of businesses that use video as part of their marketing is up 38% since 2017.

...But if you want to get the most eyeballs on your video content, you definitely want to focus on YouTube.


First of all, YouTube is more popular than Facebook, Instagram… or any other website on the planet besides Google." Source: Brian Dean-Backlinko.

info products

Ebooks are a must nowadays. Free eBooks where a customer can learn about the history of your business, come to appreciate your story and also, learn what your product is all about, for absolutely nothing, is something we can provide for your business.


Statistical reports are cold hard facts, and customers that may be sceptical, will have their doubts smashed by our accurate figure reporting. Whether you need a report on the most-desired feature for a smartphone, or the most important things for family car buyers, we do the research, find interesting stats and present them to your customers.

Want To Grow Your Business? Get In Touch

1. Blogs are still a thing?

Yup, 77% users read blogs. Old media is dying or at least being forced to adapt. Now, rather than reading the Wall Street Journal or the Financial Times, customers just go to the Apple or Google blog to get the news, firsthand.

2. How do infographics help?

They cover complex topics very well, using a mixture of images, photos, text and animation. An infographic doesn’t have to be static, it can have moving pieces such as a revealing quilt of info the further you scroll.

3. What kind of pricing and packages do you offer?

We totally understand that you may not want something that is ‘off the shelf’ for your business. We offer bespoke packages that all have their own pricing. But we also offer an absolutely FREE call so you can find out what the pricing and packages options are, without committing to anything.


Please feel free to contact us at any time, we’re more than happy to chat and find out more about your needs.